The Coronavirus has us all in a spot where none of us ever expected to be right now. A health crisis can be scary, especially since there is no understanding as to how long it will persist? This has affected our daily lives, school, events and business to literally shut down all over the world. However, let's get down to what's happening for you personally and professionally as opposed to what the collective believes is happening to us.
The collective mindset is fear based and causes stress. Stress is a belief about feeling overwhelmed , where you feel you do not have control. This is a misconception. In actuality you do have control; over your choices, your thoughts and your feelings. With that said, focus on today. Focus on what is real and what is true. Don't panic or obsess, that does not help anyone.
Amidst this time of hunkering down, preparing and planning is to allow. Allow this time to be a temporary change, yet prepare for sustainability in your life and business. Staying positive reserves your personal power. Nothing negative touches you when you safeguard in healthy ways.
What is actually happening for us is an opportunity to grow. Change is good. This does not mean profiting from human suffering. What is does mean is to focus on your own health and mortality. Calm over calamity. Taking leadership of what is working vs. what is not working. Redirect your focus on your mental health and energies that provide a safeguard. Breathe and find your center. Take care of you and do what calms your inner self. This may include, meditation, yoga, reading a good book, getting your house and office organized, yard work, riding a bike, cooking, working out, social distance networking and listening to music. What relaxes you? Do more of that.
As a business owner, touch base with your employees, workmates via video and distance social networking. Ask them how they are doing? Be supportive and understanding. Work will continue just via a different mode of communication. Keep in mind, offices are an old paradigm. Leadership is the new paradigm. Fear is an old paradigm. Rising above is the new paradigm. Have faith that all will come together, just in a different way than you previously thought. Sometimes when things are falling apart, they are falling into place.
A few mindset shifts that may help you to lean into the good right now.
Choose to believe nothing is cancelled.
Relationships are not cancelled.
Your life purpose is not cancelled.
Self growth is not cancelled.
Love is not cancelled.
Faith and hope is not cancelled.
Music and reading is not cancelled.
Sleep is not cancelled.
Self-care is not cancelled.
Positivity is not cancelled.
Believing in yourself is not cancelled.
So what's next?
My suggestion is to focus your energy on your business. Keep your clients happy, deliver value, avoid crowds, wash your hands, empower your immune system and listen to the experts at the CDC and World Health Organization. Stay informed without overindulgence of news and social media, that is a focus you can opt out of and redirect your energies in a productive manner where you lead and stand out.
The internet and video conferencing is your friend. Touch base on a humanistic level with your employees, counterparts and teammates. Check in and be of support. Your employees and teammates are your biggest asset and when they are supported and understood this trickles down toward customers. Heart to heart contact is the best cure to knowing we are all in this together and we are #bettertogether
Most of us learn resilience through the tough times. Your higher power, God, the Universe did not get you this far to fail.
Ok, that's it for now. We are going to get through this. Stay focused, Lean into the good. Have gratitude. Here to support and mentor you to greatness, no matter what!
Share in the comments what's working for you and your business? Where are you leaning into the good?
To your health, wealth and happiness!
Jackie Ruka , Professional Happyologist, Certified Success Coach and Business Leader teaches business owners and entrepreneurs how to master the inner game to empower your happiness, personal freedom and wealth set point. She is the most sought after mindset and business coach in the professional development industry. Opt in for optimism and receive your happiness and wealth setpoint cheat sheet at